

  • 小怪物茉莉 -  - 147 次播放
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6.0 HD





小怪物茉莉 是 其它  2016 上映的 剧情 儿童 动画 家庭 冒险 动漫  电影  动漫 , 主要讲诉了Molly Monster is the deeply-loved only-monster of Popo and Etna Monster. She spends her days in familiar surroundings playing with her best friend Edison, a clockwork toy with a life of his own. But when Mama gives birth to an egg (which Papa must hatch) Molly sets out on a journey to find her new place in the family. The journey takes her far away from home and over the Wild Hills to Egg Island, where she is reunited with her Mama and her Papa, and her new mini-monster sibling. "Molly Monster" deals with the theme of becoming a sister of a brother and the excitement that comes with it from the point of view of a small child. Enchanting and entertaining - a universal preschool adventure,内容更新由无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看提供,您的免费在线电影天堂



      无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看免费提供的最新动漫小怪物茉莉在线观看 ,由Matthias Bruhn Michael Ekbladh 执导、未知编剧,主要演员有 未知。 讲述了Molly Monster is the deeply-loved only-monster of Popo and Etna Monster. She spends her days in familiar surroundings playing with her best friend Edison, a clockwork toy with a life of his own. But when Mama gives birth to an egg (which Papa must hatch) Molly sets out on a journey to find her new place in the family. The journey takes her far away from home and over the Wild Hills to Egg Island, where she is reunited with her Mama and her Papa, and her new mini-monster sibling. "Molly Monster" deals with the theme of becoming a sister of a brother and the excitement that comes with it from the point of view of a small child. Enchanting and entertaining - a universal preschool adventure

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