9.0 HD




Nathicharami 是 印度  2018 上映的 剧情  电影  电影 , 主要讲诉了Nathicharami is about Gowri whose life is perplexed between her physical desires and emotional beliefs. The film narrates the struggles of the protagonist in a society that believes physical desires can only be followed by a nuptial. She is stuck in her ordinary life with people from her daily life pattern who talk about their notions that are in contrary to the other. Finally, when she feels that she has overcome her ambiguity, the situation takes a leap. The film is also a grave narration about the nuances, women from all walks of life face.,内容更新由无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看提供,您的免费在线电影天堂




      无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看免费提供的最新电影Nathicharami在线观看 ,由Mansore 执导、未知编剧,主要演员有 Sruthi Hariharan Sanchari Vijay Sharanya 。 讲述了Nathicharami is about Gowri whose life is perplexed between her physical desires and emotional beliefs. The film narrates the struggles of the protagonist in a society that believes physical desires can only be followed by a nuptial. She is stuck in her ordinary life with people from her daily life pattern who talk about their notions that are in contrary to the other. Finally, when she feels that she has overcome her ambiguity, the situation takes a leap. The film is also a grave narration about the nuances, women from all walks of life face.

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