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刚果之行 是 法国  1927 上映的 剧情 电影  电影 , 主要讲诉了   1927年法国作家安德烈纪德和他的侄子Marc Allégret在法国近赤道的非洲殖民地履行。在回法国之前,他又游历了现在的刚果共和国,中非共和国、喀麦隆。回来后Marc Allégret把拍下的影像剪辑成这部纪录片,之后其成为法国人文纪录片中最早的经典作品之一。   http://baike.baidu.com/view/668847.html   Marc Allégret - Older brother of director Yves Allegret; Allegrets first film was the 1927 documentary Voyage Au Congo, about the trip to Africa undertaken by his uncle, the author Andre Gide. He went on to assist directors Robert Florey and Augusto Genina, and in 1931 completed Le Blanc Et Le Noi for Florey and co-directed Les Amants De Minuit with Genina. That same year he made his solo directing debut, lauching a 40-year career that includes such notable films as the Josephine Baker musical Zou-Zou, the documentary Avec Andre Gide, and the D.H. ,内容更新由无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看提供,您的免费在线电影天堂




      无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看免费提供的最新电影刚果之行在线观看 ,由Marc Allégret 执导、未知编剧,主要演员有 未知。 讲述了   1927年法国作家安德烈纪德和他的侄子Marc Allégret在法国近赤道的非洲殖民地履行。在回法国之前,他又游历了现在的刚果共和国,中非共和国、喀麦隆。回来后Marc Allégret把拍下的影像剪辑成这部纪录片,之后其成为法国人文纪录片中最早的经典作品之一。   http://baike.baidu.com/view/668847.html   Marc Allégret - Older brother of director Yves Allegret; Allegrets first film was the 1927 documentary Voyage Au Congo, about the trip to Africa undertaken by his uncle, the author Andre Gide. He went on to assist directors Robert Florey and Augusto Genina, and in 1931 completed Le Blanc Et Le Noi for Florey and co-directed Les Amants De Minuit with Genina. That same year he made his solo directing debut, lauching a 40-year career that includes such notable films as the Josephine Baker musical Zou-Zou, the documentary Avec Andre Gide, and the D.H.

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