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盗猎 是 加拿大  2009 上映的 剧情片 电影  电影 , 主要讲诉了In a dark forest, an ancient European ritual is about to take place. A battle is brewing between the power-hungry Celts, the rampaging Vikings, the secretive wood elves and the mysterious shaman Murtagh (Trevor Hayes). The night has finally come for Murtagh to unleash his latest fiendish scheme. But in the heat of battle, the worst happens: one of his men is hit five times and the referee rules him dead – he's out of the game until he can regenerate. Even worse, someone breaks character, the most egregious transgression possible in this elaborate game of dress-up.,内容更新由无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看提供,您的免费在线电影天堂




      无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看免费提供的最新电影盗猎在线观看 ,由Alexandre Franchi 执导、未知编剧,主要演员有 Kyle Gatehouse Trevor Hayes 。 讲述了In a dark forest, an ancient European ritual is about to take place. A battle is brewing between the power-hungry Celts, the rampaging Vikings, the secretive wood elves and the mysterious shaman Murtagh (Trevor Hayes). The night has finally come for Murtagh to unleash his latest fiendish scheme. But in the heat of battle, the worst happens: one of his men is hit five times and the referee rules him dead – he's out of the game until he can regenerate. Even worse, someone breaks character, the most egregious transgression possible in this elaborate game of dress-up.

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