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弯刀 是 美国  2010 上映的 动作  犯罪 电影  电影 , 主要讲诉了Lucas Cano, (Machete) an ex-bodyguard for the Mexican President, tired of his life , retires to a remote small town in Mexico, in hope of finding peace. But things do not work out for him the way he wants them to. First, he must confront several drug dealers who smuggle illegal immigrants into the United States, forcing them to smuggle drugs. Then, Machete finds out that his old Vietnam friend, who now works for the CIA in Arizona, has been assigned to arrest Machete, and take him back to the US for some old charges. Machete's health is deteriorating rapidly. He is constantly bleeding internally, but he won't stop drinking and smoking. Panchito is a little boy Machete met in a street fight, and the little boy, claiming not to have any family, decides to hang out with Machete and tries to help him change his life . Machete does not know that a higher power is watching out for him. Panchito is an angel sent by God to save his body and soul. Esperanza (Pelancho) meets Machete ...,内容更新由无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看提供,您的免费在线电影天堂




      无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看免费提供的最新电影弯刀在线观看 ,由罗伯特·罗德里格兹 伊桑·曼尼奎斯 执导、未知编剧,主要演员有 丹尼·特乔 史蒂文·席格 米歇尔·罗德里格兹 杰夫·法赫 切奇·马林 林赛·罗韩 。 讲述了Lucas Cano, (Machete) an ex-bodyguard for the Mexican President, tired of his life , retires to a remote small town in Mexico, in hope of finding peace. But things do not work out for him the way he wants them to. First, he must confront several drug dealers who smuggle illegal immigrants into the United States, forcing them to smuggle drugs. Then, Machete finds out that his old Vietnam friend, who now works for the CIA in Arizona, has been assigned to arrest Machete, and take him back to the US for some old charges. Machete's health is deteriorating rapidly. He is constantly bleeding internally, but he won't stop drinking and smoking. Panchito is a little boy Machete met in a street fight, and the little boy, claiming not to have any family, decides to hang out with Machete and tries to help him change his life . Machete does not know that a higher power is watching out for him. Panchito is an angel sent by God to save his body and soul. Esperanza (Pelancho) meets Machete ...

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