

  • 狗狗博客第二季 -  - 267 次播放

狗狗博客第二季 是 美国  2013 上映的 欧美 美国 连续  连续剧 , 主要讲诉了Avery Jennings (G. Hannelius) and Tyler James (Lemonade Mouth star Blake Michael) are step-siblings from Pasadena, California who hate each other but come together in the pilot episode. The family faces an even bigger adjustment when they discover that their new dog, Stan (portrayed by live-action dogs Kuma and Mick, and voiced by Stephen Full), can talk. Only Avery, Chloe (Francesca Capaldi), and Tyler know he can talk. Unbeknownst to the family, Stan also has a blog, which he uses to discuss the happenings in the Jennings-James household. The children learn of Stan's talking ability in the first episode and agree to keep it a secret from their parents, fearing that if the world finds out that Stan can talk, he will be taken away and experimented on.[2] In "Stan Talks to Gran" Bennett's mother Grandma James learns Stan can talk, but promises the kids to keep it a secret.,内容更新由无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看提供,您的免费在线电影天堂




      无忧影视-星辰影院-私人电影院-免费电影-手机在线观看免费提供的最新连续剧狗狗博客第二季在线观看 ,由Neal Israel Shelley Jensen 执导、未知编剧,主要演员有 吉娜维芙·汉内柳斯 弗朗西斯卡·卡帕尔迪 布莱克·迈克尔 贝斯·利特福德 。 讲述了Avery Jennings (G. Hannelius) and Tyler James (Lemonade Mouth star Blake Michael) are step-siblings from Pasadena, California who hate each other but come together in the pilot episode. The family faces an even bigger adjustment when they discover that their new dog, Stan (portrayed by live-action dogs Kuma and Mick, and voiced by Stephen Full), can talk. Only Avery, Chloe (Francesca Capaldi), and Tyler know he can talk. Unbeknownst to the family, Stan also has a blog, which he uses to discuss the happenings in the Jennings-James household. The children learn of Stan's talking ability in the first episode and agree to keep it a secret from their parents, fearing that if the world finds out that Stan can talk, he will be taken away and experimented on.[2] In "Stan Talks to Gran" Bennett's mother Grandma James learns Stan can talk, but promises the kids to keep it a secret.

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